The Bible reads: “In the beginning, God created…” He created the Heavens and the Earth and eventually created everything; including time. “In the beginning”; that is time.  And the greatest thing God ever created was life. He created creation, He created life; the life of time, the life of the Heavens and the life of the Earth. He created the life of mankind. He created the life of everything and everyone.

Now, I have a story…a true story….

I love life. I love the truth that life is a gift of God. I love the lives of those who have lived and those who have died. I loved the life of my mother, Dorothy, which means “Gift of God.”

I love life. I love the truth that were it not for my mother and father; I would not have the gift of life. I love my father who is alive, but virtually not a day goes by that I don’t think about his dying.

I hate death. I hate the death of those who have died; and I hate the thought of those who live eventually dying. I love my life and hate the thought of my death. The Bible reads, “God is love”; however, also, “God is life!”

Now, in this life, on Earth; for every good there is an evil; there is positive and negative, there is truth and lie; there is “black” and “white”; there is life and there is death; there is a God and a devil. To that end, for me, who is so blessed to love life; I am in a lifelong war versus Satan over life…my life. And while every day, Scripture reads, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad”; Satan, the devil, is always trying to destroy life. Truth-be-told, the devil wars against whatever it is a person is most blessed by or believes in; thanks to the Lord. In truth, God loves life He hates death. The devil hates life; and since he does not create or love anything; he simply hates God.

Two years-or-so, ago, I started experiencing heart palpitations, or in-ordinary beats. Sometimes, there would be a few a day, or one-a-day. Sometimes, weeks would go by before I had a single one. Each time, I tried to take it as a warning that my heart was not right; that my heart was weakening and slowly dying; or perhaps, would lead to a heart attack. But, not only was my heart, which loves life, not right physically, it was “not right” with God in my spiritual life. God, Himself, says, “The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,” and I know I did not have Him; God and the Holy Spirit.

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