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                                              THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF CHAMPIONSHIPS

1. God created football and football players. God is a winner. God is a Champion.

2. Serve God and know nothing is more important than your country, province, or state possessing that Championship trophy and you wearing the ring of a Champion.

3. No one: not the “media,” nor anyone; can write, print, or say anything truer than what you will feel and believe about yourself if you win a Championship.

4. Work 6-days-a-week at football; either on the field, film room, weight-room or workouts, wherever or however; but rest 1-day (no football at all—don’t even think about it).

5. Honor your coaches; trust and believe in them. There is a triangular hierarchy, an order, to a Championship team and organization. Honor every one before you and behind you. A Championship is an honor. Honor the game.

6. Football is a game we’ve played all our lives. It is a game that teaches us lessons in life. It is a livelihood. Football makes us feel alive; don’t ever let that die. A Championship is “the game of your life.”

7. Unless you have a wife, do not think about a woman wrongly, sexually or unnecessarily. Thinking wrongly about a woman weakens football players spiritually and physically.

8. A team cannot “steal” a victory or a win. A Championship cannot be “stolen”; it is earned through hard work. And if it is “given” or “handed” to a team, it is because of hard work, and hard work, alone.

9. Do not lie: if you commit a penalty, profess it. If you “blow a coverage,” confess it. If you “miss an assignment,” admit it. If you “make a mistake,” make-up-for-it. There is one truth and an infinite number of lies and liars, just as there is one Champion and the rest of the league who lost.

10. Be a champion, because you are a champion; not because another team is or was…or because this team’s won or were…Do not ever win for money or fame; win for within. Win because you are a Champion.
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